Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Shanoir - Qt - Webservices - Soap - C++ - Health - DICOM - Plug-in - Medical imaging - Nifti

Scientific Description QtShanoir is based on Qt/C++ librairie. It interacts with the Shanoir server using SOAP web services provided. This application queries the server and displays hierarchical data extracted in tree view. Data could also be easily downloaded or uploaded on the server. In order to extend the Shanoir environment, QtShanoir is developed to contain two shared libraries: - « GUI » that represents all user interfaces. - « DAO » that takes in charge the data model. This library assures the connection to the server and provides all QtShanoir services : research, download and upload of Processed Dataset (NIfTI). QtShanoir dynamic libraries are already reused and integrated in other projects: in the software medInria and in an under development command line program.

Functional Description QtShanoir is a graphical client application of the medical imaging database Shanoir. This application provides various functionalities to satisfy researchers’ needs. It allows users to: - explore neuroimaging data derived from multicenter research trials. Through an intuitive user interface, users could easily visualize voluminous amount of structured data: studies, patients and datasets extracted from Shanoir - download and to upload data from the server. This application is available on Windows, UNIX, MacOs X. It is integrated as a plugin in medInria, a multi-plateform for medical image processing and visualization.

  • Participants: Olivier Commowick, Justine Guillaumont, Florent Leray, and Wefa Hakem

  • Contact: Olivier Commowick

  • URL: http://qtshanoir.gforge.inria.fr

  • APP number: IDDN.FR.001.130017.000.S.A.2012.000.31230 (2012/02/08)